Sunday, August 28, 2011


Expanded Program on Immunization

                By the virtue of P.D. 996 compulsory basic immunization for children 8 years and below started in July, 1976 in the Philippines.
                This was referred to as the Expanded Program on Immunization or EPI.
                At the start of the program, immunizations against these childhood diseases were given BCG or tuberculosis and DPT for diphtheria, pertusis and tetanus.  Later on, on immunization against poliomyelitis was included in EPI using oral polio vaccine. Tetanus toxoid immunization for pregnant women continued to be given but instead of being given only after the 5th month of pregnancy, a department of Circular was issued to the effect that can be given anytime during pregnancy, the last antigen to be included in the EPI was measles vaccine to be given at the nine months of age.
                The EPI was further strengthened by Proclamation No. 6 signed by President Corazon C. Aquino in April 1986 mandating compulsory immunization for children. It committed the Philippines to the goal of universal child immunization by 1990.
                In 1993, Pres. Ramos signed Proclamation No. 46, reaffirming the commitment to universal child and mother immunization goal by launching the Polio Eradication project.
                Proclamation No. 147 declared April 21 and May 19, 1993 and every Wednesday of January and February thereafter, for two years as National Immunization Days (NIDS)

        1.       The program is based on epidemiological situation; schedules are drawn on the basis of occurrence and characteristics epidemiological features of the disease.
        2.       The whole community rather than just the individual is to be protected, thus, mass, approach is utilized.
        3.       Immunization is a basic health service and as such it is integrated into the health services being provided for by the Rural Health Unit.

        A.      General
To reduce the morbidity and mortality among infants and children caused by the seven childhood immunizable disease and eventually eradicate poliomyelitis, eliminate neonatal tetanus and control measles.

        B.      Program Objectives
The EPI 5 years directional plan has been revised to meet the challenges with phases or acceleration and sustainability. Its primary health status objective is to decrease the maternal and child mortality and morbidity from the Seven EPI target diseases through increased immunization coverage.

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