Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Sample Session Outline

“Clean and Neat Hands, For Children's Wellness”

A.    Objectives:

After health education, the children will be able to:
1.      Know proper way of washing hands
2.      Know the importance of washing hands.

B.      Materials:

·         Colored bond paper

·          Soap

·         Towel

·         Pails of Water

·         Yarn

·         Attendance sheet

·         Cartolinas

·         Pentel pen

C.     Flow of activities

1.      Registration

2.      Opening prayer

3.      Introduction about the topic

4.      Action song:” I have Two Hands”

5.      Introduction of lecturers

6.      Lecture demonstration:


·         Proper technique of handwashing

·         Importance of  handwashing

·         Advantages of practicing handwashing

7.      Children’s Activity: Drawing of their own hands

8.      Explanation of the saying: “Jesus loves the little children”

9.      Action song: “If you’re happy and you know”

10.  Synthesis:

       Review the children about the proper way of washing their hands

       Ask the children about the importance of washing hands

11.  Closing Prayer

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